Sterrett Lab at Monmouth University
Wildlife Population Ecology, Conservation Biology and Herpetology
Current Projects
Suburban Ecology:
Population status and dynamics of a turtle assemblage in an artificial, coastal lake in New Jersey
Evaluating the role of a non-native species, the Red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans), in New Jersey Coastal Lakes
Understanding the spatial ecology of Eastern Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina) in a suburban island
Evaluating nesting status of Diamond-backed terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) on highly recreational beaches in New Jersey and New York (funded by National Parks Service)
SPARCnet (Salamander Population and Adaptation Collaborative Network)
Population dynamics of red-backed salamander (Plethodon cinereus) in coastal New Jersey (as part of SPARCnet sampling)
Testing the use of PIT tags to track P. cinereus surface and subterranean movements
Methods to Improve Wildlife Estimation
Evaluating the use of drones to detect and measure M. terrapin
Testing the use of PIT tags to track P. cinereus surface and subterranean movements
Evaluating the difference in snake capture and temperature profile under different cover board materials
Pit Tagging Salamanders